Friday, August 22, 2008

[KH] Targets

CRS has grading system depend on their body pattern, characteristics and whiteness.
CRS can be breed as your desired pattern from your choice of coupling a great potential parent.

Normally, CRS breeders tend to do with their brand name CRS by following steps:
1) making desire body pattern (red part) to as few as possible. to breed White body.
2) breeding as thick white as possible from potential breedings
3) trying to use the white body (from # 1) to get desire characteristics. like special head pattern (crown, flower, lighting , heart sharpe) Red leg, or Red nails (leg part white and red part last part of the leg), white / red stings,... and so on

so CRS actually can be a signature from the breeder. and thats why Japanese CRS breeder has few great different names.

We said Ebi CRS normally refer to Ebi-ten, one of the greatest CRS selective breeder. And sure legs is one of the element for EBI-TEN's CRS.

For me, I am only working on first step on those three. CRS is a long journey for me to breed my desirable perfect one - CRS.

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